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Social management and social administration: a world perspective




Social Management, Social Administration


Social Management has been developing in Brazil since the 90's with the first attempt to delimit the term with Professor Tenório in 1998. Currently it is a complex field with a large network of researchers that are part of the Network of Researchers in Social Management, besides having several periodicals such as Cadernos de Gestão Social, Revista de Gestão Socioambiental and annual meetings such as the Encontro Nacional de Pesquisadores em Gestão Social. This paper aims to compare the Brazilian perspective, which is assumed to be unique, with those found in the literature published in English through research on the Periódicos Capes portal under the terms ‘Social Management’ and ‘Social Administration’. Therefore, it was possible to observe the originality of this area of studies as being a Brazilian perspective. Further on it will make it possible to better develop this area of studies and possibly to expand this network of researchers internationally.


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